Kepler: Lack of clear framework for trust fee disclosure causes confusion for investors
25% of Kepler’s retail investor base plan to allocate more to investment trusts following the change in disclosure rules
25% of Kepler’s retail investor base plan to allocate more to investment trusts following the change in disclosure rules
The likes of Hargreaves Lansdown are continuing to require the Mifid template from investment companies
A draft Statutory Instrument proposed by HM Treasury found EU-inherited cost disclosure rules are ‘not accurate’
JTC Groups’ Simon Gordon explains how the renewables trust sector is showing signs of recovery
CEO Richard Stone says current disclosure rules are ‘hamstringing demand’ for the trust sector
Financial Services Regulation Committee said retained MIFID and PRIIPS rules has cost the UK an estimated £7bn
Gravis’s Bill MacLeod explains how a FinDaTex tweak could prevent double-counting of investment company costs
Regulators acknowledges that requirements ‘may not result in representative cost information being published’ for investment companies
First reading of Bill to remove AIFMD classification from investment companies will take place next week
Cost disclosure regulation has been called “illegal and irrational” amid an “emergency situation” for investment companies
Quantity of mandatory information is a barrier to retail investors, the association has warned
‘The current rules make it very difficult for consumers to get the information they need’