Invesco sells £140m in AJ Bell shares
Mark Barnett inherited Neil Woodford’s funds when he left to launch his investment boutique
Mark Barnett inherited Neil Woodford’s funds when he left to launch his investment boutique
Descriptors like ‘high income’ potentially misleading for inexperienced investors
Invesco UK equities manager comes out swinging for UK stocks, oil and tobacco
Star manager joins list of worst performers for the first time
Questions raised about 160p pricing as shares rally more than a third
Invesco is the largest shareholder in the investment platform
Edinburgh Investment Trust has lost investors 2.7% over three years
Discount on UK equities trust remains at pre-financial crisis levels
Spot the Dog report names and shames the worst-performing funds
Neil Woodford and his former employer Invesco Perpetual have ended up on opposite sides of the fence over a boardroom battle taking shape at Stobart Group, in a rare divergence over holdings.
Capita’s share price has fallen 38% after the firm admitted more than one billion shares to the London Stock Exchange.
Capita’s share price has rallied after the firm confirmed a £701m rights issue and more than £500m in net losses, but analysts remain cautious on recommending the stock.