Crisis point: Concerns grow over mounting government debt levels
While global debt levels appear sustainable for the time being, they remain vulnerable to poor political management
While global debt levels appear sustainable for the time being, they remain vulnerable to poor political management
Potential for broader political instability across Europe
Not factoring in geopolitics is ‘madness’ and leads investors into ‘mine fields they should have known existed’
Major parties clearly understand the UK’s economic problems, even if the solutions take time
Asian equity funds may now lose the headwind of China, and gain the tailwind of the technology cycle
The UK’s debt burden is high and it is not master of its own destiny, writes Cherry Reynard
Green shoots have started to emerge amid the IA China/Greater China sector
There are a number of reasons why the gap between India and other emerging markets could diminish
Divergent economic signals ‘pose a dilemma’ for Bank of England policymakers
Value stocks and smaller companies could benefit from a UK equity revival
Figures published one day before the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting
Path towards the 2% target is more turbulent than many expected