Neil Hermon to retire from Janus Henderson after 23 years
Indriatti Van Hien will succeed the ‘well-known and well-regarded UK small-cap manager’ in running the Henderson Smaller Companies trust
Indriatti Van Hien will succeed the ‘well-known and well-regarded UK small-cap manager’ in running the Henderson Smaller Companies trust
Investors dropped their US exposure ‘well below the global average’ and retreated to UK equities as global market volatility mounts
Global payouts hit $1.75trn in 2024, according to Janus Henderson’s Global Dividend Monitor
Janus Henderson launches OEIC version of global smaller companies SICAV
British retailers, banks and tobacco companies have beaten the US tech giants despite their old-school nature, writes David Smith
O’Hara and Barker previously portfolio managers for Henderson European trust
Henderson European trust result of merger between Henderson Eurotrust and Henderson European Focus trust last year
Portfolio Adviser asks experts if 2025 is going to be another good year for credit markets or if the positive momentum has largely played out
Trusts urge shareholders to vote against resolutions in February meetings
88% of companies globally either raised payouts or maintained their level
Janus Henderson Tabula Japan High Conviction Equity UCITS ETF will be available to all major European markets
Trust now trading on 10.8% discount