Coronavirus weekly round-up: Elon Musk causes bitcoin furore, UK economy strengthens and US inflation spooks stocks
Four investors mull the events shaping portfolios over the past week
Four investors mull the events shaping portfolios over the past week
A number of pension fund managers have complained the illiquidity premium no longer exists
Banks and commodities have done well but bond proxies and technology have been hit hardest
But there are also deflationary pressures in the market
This month: Inflation, AJ Bell’s asset allocation, ASI duo a year on from Woodford and 7IM boss Dean Proctor
Investors making plays on gold, short duration and infrastructure as lingering pandemic means pushback against loose fiscal policy is unlikely
Fund managers add to gold and linkers on expectation of central bank impotence
The key events for UK wealth managers for the week starting 13 January
The key events for UK wealth managers for the week starting 3 June
The key events for UK wealth managers for the week starting 20 May
Politics set to shake ‘financialisation of stock prices’
Commentators fear an inflation shock if the UK crashes out the EU with no deal