European funds top over 20 years
European funds are the best performers over 20 years, FE data shows, yet six times in the past 10 years Europe has been the worst selling retail sector, according to IMA statistics.
European funds are the best performers over 20 years, FE data shows, yet six times in the past 10 years Europe has been the worst selling retail sector, according to IMA statistics.
The Global Bond sector has the highest proportion of billion-plus sized funds across 30 of the main IMA sectors, according to factsheet data from FE Analytics. Almost a quarter of the sector's constituents have over £1bn in assets.
Now the IMA’s Absolute Return Sector has put the term targeted at the start of its name we could stop looking at it so critically, but we won’t.
The IMA is considering establishing a statement of the principles that govern its approach to business, along with an online guidance document identifying critical issues faced by asset managers and the areas in which the need to manage conflicts of interest are strongest.
The IMA has revealed which absolute return funds have failed to deliver positive returns after pledging to monitor the sector and name and shame those that post losses in rolling 12 month periods.
The European Parliament has reportedly delayed a vote on rules to curb fund manager bonuses to seek a "cross-party compromise for waterproof consumer-protection rules", but can there ever be an impermeable solution to such a contentious issue?
Fund performance data and historical costs need to be simplified if the asset management industry is to fulfil its potential to make an important and positive difference to consumers and the economy, according to Daniel Godfrey.
UK funds under management has breached £700bn for the first time, with rejuvenated equity funds recording their highest retail sales since April 2011, according to the IMA.
Daniel Godfrey, CEO of the IMA, has outlined three new long-term goals to ensure the body meets the needs of both investment managers and investors in the future.
It is not surprising companies do not grant access privileges to potential investors of minute amounts of their stock in the same way as they would to one of the “majors” looking to buy 3%, according to IMA director of institutional Guy Sears.
The fact that they are attracting the negative 'cash for access' headlines that appeared yesterday is a sure sign that the FSA has its eye firmly on asset management houses. But are the headlines justified?
Let’s get this straight from the off, genuine fund selectors do not place much stock by the IMA sectors preferring instead to look at the particular skill of a fund manager in running a specific strategy with reference to a proper benchmark, such as an index.