
  • SLI assets rise 45pc thanks to Ignis

    SLI assets rise 45pc thanks to Ignis

    SLI saw its AUM rise by 45% to £245.9bn on the year, with thanks to the acquisition of Ignis.

  • SLI continues European growth

    SLI continues European growth

    Standard Life Investments (SLI) is to expand its European business, with two hires and a new Stockholm office.

  • Head-to-head


    The £20bn Standard Life GARS Fund and £2.7bn Ignis Absolute Return Global Bond Fund are two of the largest and sophisticated products in the retail space, but what is it that makes them work, who runs them, and in which market conditions will they perform best and worst?

  • Ignis thanks AR Govt Bond for record new assets

    Ignis thanks AR Govt Bond for record new assets

    Ignis posted an operating profit of £49m, a 14% hike on 2012 as Phoenix Group announces its divestment to Standard Life Investments.

  • Standard Life Investments buys Ignis for 390m

    Standard Life Investments buys Ignis for 390m

    Standard Life Investments spots £50m of cost savings through Ignis purchase but areas for job cuts are not yet identified.

  • The writing was on the wall for Ignis

    The writing was on the wall for Ignis

    With an estimated value of £400m on 12.5x earnings, will Ignis prove to be a bargain buy for Standard Life?

  • Standard Life to bid for Ignis

    Standard Life to bid for Ignis

    Standard Life has confirmed it is in exclusive discussions with Phoenix Group to table a bid for Ignis Asset Management.

  • Ignis strips pair of non-core funds from offering

    Ignis strips pair of non-core funds from offering

    In the wake of switching its SICAV range from Dublin to Luxembourg, Ignis is discontinuing two smaller funds.

  • PA ANALYSIS India interest rate political

    PA ANALYSIS India interest rate political

    Following India’s long period of tight monetary policy‚ this week saw a shock 25 basis point rise in the primary interest rate by the central bank in a move that suggests it might be ready to tackle its two main problems a bit more actively

  • five new stock opportunities China new economy

    five new stock opportunities China new economy

    As China slowly moves its main source of economic growth from exports to domestic consumption there are twin universes appearing of state-dominated sectors such as energy, telecom, and banking alongside more nimble service and consumer sectors.

  • Ignis expands Ashbys uk equity team

    Ignis expands Ashbys uk equity team

    Ignis has strengthened its UK equity offering, reuniting the team's head Graham Ashby with portfolio manager Mira Bhogaita.

  • Ignis to launch absolute return gov bond fund

    Ignis to launch absolute return gov bond fund

    Ignis has revealed details of a global absolute return government bond fund aimed at sophisticated and institutional investors, which will be launched later in the year.