The side effects of China slowdown
Is a 7.5% GDP forecast for China too optimistic, or still impressive given the meagre growth seen in the developed world?
Is a 7.5% GDP forecast for China too optimistic, or still impressive given the meagre growth seen in the developed world?
The emphasis of most of the financial regulation recently put in place or about to come in is to protect the individual investor, putting capital protection further up the list rather than necessarily growing returns.
Former Skandia CIO Alan Durrant has paired up with renowned multi-manager specialist Richard Philbin for the launch of a boutique, Harwood Multi-Manager.
Hasley Investment Management is launching a two new fund ranges, one of volatility targeted multi-manager funds and the second of specialist single manager funds.
Ex-Architas and F&C multi-manager specialist Richard Philbin has joined Hampshire-based Hasley Investment Management ahead of new volatility-focused fund launches later this year.