franklin templeton launches brazil
Franklin Templeton Investments has launched a multi-asset Brazil fund to be managed by its Brazil-based investment team.
Franklin Templeton Investments has launched a multi-asset Brazil fund to be managed by its Brazil-based investment team.
Franklin Templeton has expanded its UK advisory team with the hire of a business development manager covering London, southeast and southwest England.
Emerging market specialist Franklin Templeton has been given the green light to launch a new Africa strategy for its high profile fund manager and chief executive Mark Mobius.
Franklin Templeton has launched its first global convertibles Sicav to be run by Alan Muschott.
Franklin Templeton saw the greatest mutual fund sales in Europe in 2011, with the success of its bond funds pushing its total to 12.6bn, according to Lipper.
Franklin Templeton Investments has launched an emerging markets balanced fund.
European fund sales struggle into positive territory as investors withdrew from equity funds.
Franklin Templeton’s Mark Mobius has again warned of the possibility of another financial crisis.
Emerging market debt is benefiting greatly from improved investor sentiment and security quality.