European Union

  • Brexit success could spark further EU break-up – OMGI

    Brexit success could spark further EU break-up – OMGI

    If the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union leaves the country ‘better off’ it could spark further break-up, according to Christine Johnson, head of fixed income at Old Mutual Global Investors.

  • Nearly a quarter of UK advisers will vote Brexit, says Apfa

    Nearly a quarter of UK advisers will vote Brexit, says Apfa

    Around 24% of financial advisers in the UK will vote for Britain to leave the European Union, research from the Association of Professional Financial Advisers (Apfa) shows.

  • Why is Yanis Varoufakis not a eurosceptic?

    Why is Yanis Varoufakis not a eurosceptic?

    In this Q&A session, filmed at Portfolio Adviser sister publication Expert Investor’s Pan-European Congress, Yanis Varoufakis reveals exclusively why he is not a eurosceptic. He also explains why he admires Wolfgang Schäuble, and much more.

  • Hargreaves backs Brexit

    Hargreaves backs Brexit

    Hargreaves Lansdown founder Peter Hargreaves has made public comments backing a British exit from the European Union.

  • Brexit: Bigger risk than reward - BlackRock

    Brexit: Bigger risk than reward – BlackRock

    A Brexit offers a lot of risk with little obvious reward; leading to lower UK growth and investment, and potentially higher unemployment and inflation, said BlackRock.

  • CBI members back EU membership

    CBI members back EU membership

    The CBI says that there would be ‘serious downsides’ for UK businesses were the country to leave the EU.

  • Fund buyers take refuge as Grexit edges closer

    Fund buyers take refuge as Grexit edges closer

    As Greece is heading for a default, which would significantly increase the possibility for the country to be forced out of the eurozone, markets have plummeted.

  • Scrap RDR, follow MiFID II on independence – WMA

    Scrap RDR, follow MiFID II on independence – WMA

    The Retail Distribution Review has failed to meet its objective of clarity of service, the Wealth Management Association said, leading to widespread misunderstanding and use of the ‘independent’ and ‘restricted’ labels.

  • Trade groups welcome 'crucial' european capital markets union

    Trade groups welcome ‘crucial’ european capital markets union

    European financial trade bodies have unanimously welcomed in the European Commission’s green paper on creating a Capital Markets Union, describing it as an opportunity to support the industry’s “sustainable economic growth and long-term financing”

  • Wealth managers face it squeeze from ‘very tight’ mi fid ii timeline – wma

    Wealth managers face it squeeze from ‘very tight’ mi fid ii timeline – wma

    The time line for the roll-out of the implementation of MiFID II does not leave a lot of breathing room for wealth managers to get their technology up to speed, the Wealth Management Association said.

  • UK wealth managers still concerned over MiFID

    UK wealth managers still concerned over MiFID

    UK wealth managers remain concerned about the high compliance costs associated with MiFID II and its incompatibility with the traditional structure of UK non-bank wealth managers, says Jonathan Sokhanvari, COO at Multrees.

  • uk unveils fatca type info exchange

    uk unveils fatca type info exchange

    The UK government today announced it is to develop and pilot a new “multilateral tax information exchange agreement” with four of its largest fellow EU members.