Kepler: Lack of clear framework for trust fee disclosure causes confusion for investors
25% of Kepler’s retail investor base plan to allocate more to investment trusts following the change in disclosure rules
25% of Kepler’s retail investor base plan to allocate more to investment trusts following the change in disclosure rules
The likes of Hargreaves Lansdown are continuing to require the Mifid template from investment companies
‘Clear signs of a fightback’ as monetary policy returns
The AIC was ‘disappointed’ to learn draft legislation exempting trusts from cost disclosure requirements does not include VCTs
A draft Statutory Instrument proposed by HM Treasury found EU-inherited cost disclosure rules are ‘not accurate’
Following the change of government in July
The bill discussed in the House of Lords today will reshape industry practices, according to these four commentators
She said the trust sector had lost out on ‘£30bn and counting’ through the ‘glitch’ of cost disclosure rules for investment trusts
Baroness Bowles’s Listed Investment Companies Bill will be heard on 5th September
Lauren Hardy received the accolade for ‘Calls for judicial review into FCA as investment trust sector faces extinction’
AIC chief executive Richard Stone says resolving the issue of double-counting could be an early win for the new government
CEO Richard Stone says current disclosure rules are ‘hamstringing demand’ for the trust sector