Axa IM hires UK wholesale sales director
Simon King joins from Bellevue AM
Andrea Rossi will take over from John Foley who is retiring after seven years in the role
As Keith Skeoch, Andrew Formica and Phillippe d’Orgeval step down
Serge Pizem is leaving to ‘pursue new professional challenges’
They join from Lloyds of London and Insight Investment
Unified group would manage circa €20bn in assets
Labour scarcity presents an opportunity for automation to help ease these pressures
Encouraging biodiversity and the preservation of habitats will be as important to the health of the planet as halting climate change
Françoise Cespedes will work within the Axa Framlington small-cap equities team in Paris
Investors need to apply common sense and dig into the numbers
Incoming lead manager Amanda O’Toole specialises in clean tech but radical change raises possible suitability concerns
Dani Saurymper joins PAM in July to launch a fund, leaving Peter Hughes and Linden Thomson in charge of Axa funds