Train: Man Utd winning ticket in tech match-up
Nick Train has added Manchester United to his Finsbury Growth & Income Trust, his first new holding in two years.
Nick Train has added Manchester United to his Finsbury Growth & Income Trust, his first new holding in two years.
Courtiers has sold its holdings in two F&C ethical funds and an LGIM ethical trust over concerns about the strictness of their screening processes.
Online retailers have changed the rules of the game for consumer spending, and portfolio managers are struggling to catch up, says PSigma Investment Management.
Monks Investment Trust saw its NAV total return drop 3.5% during the six months to end October, while a drop in earnings per share (EPS) was blamed on this year’s management restructure.
There is nothing to suggest that the US equity bull market is over, says Artemis’ Simon Edelsten, and it has the potential to be the longest in history.
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