Investment trust industry calls on Labour to resolve cost disclosure issue
AIC chief executive Richard Stone says resolving the issue of double-counting could be an early win for the new government
AIC chief executive Richard Stone says resolving the issue of double-counting could be an early win for the new government
Financial Services Regulation Committee said retained MIFID and PRIIPS rules has cost the UK an estimated £7bn
MP Bim Afolami says the government is planning to consult on the issue in the next quarter
Gravis’s Bill MacLeod explains how a FinDaTex tweak could prevent double-counting of investment company costs
Classifying investment companies as AIFs is increasing their optical – and not their actual – fees, write Momentum’s Richard Parfect
UK alternatives managers have three three options after the UK exits the EU
Efama reveals upwards trend in cross-border Ucits and AIFs volumes
Asset manager BlueBay has hit the headlines for shorting sterling on predictions of a likely ‘hard’ Brexit, but as an industry are we still burying our heads in the sand?
Indos Financial has become the first non-bank entity to become a fully-fledged independent UK depositary post-AIFMD.
The European Securities and Markets Authority has published its advice on 12 jurisdictions seeking passporting rights for alternative investment funds (AIFs) giving seven a clear go-ahead with five others getting a qualified approval.
The Lindsell Train Investment Trust has taken the decision to stop using gearing in the future, largely as a result of the costs involved of adhering to the full scope of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive.
A consultation on whether to extend the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) beyond Europe has closed, and will now be used to determine the European Commissions legislative stance on the matter.