Merian breaks £50m fundraising target on private equity trust
Private equity becoming a growing area of interest among closed-ended investment vehicles
Private equity becoming a growing area of interest among closed-ended investment vehicles
AIC chief cannot ‘guarantee’ fund companies will meet their gender diversity target by 2020
Half-heartedness of the FCA’s initiative may hamper its ability to bring about radical change
Pimfa chief says transition period is more critical than the deal
Lindsell Train Investment Trust could swing to discount if sentiment changes
Baillie Gifford trusts caught readers’ attention this year alongside high-profile launches from Mobius and Fundsmith
As open-ended funds fall 2.6%, investment trusts delivered positive returns in 2018
European Supervisory Authorities’ timeline is too ambitious
Eight investment trusts breaking the mould with female-dominated boards
Despite the milestone, Premier Asset Management’s board of directors consists solely of men
Closed-ended fund share registers increasingly dominated by retail investors
The Association of Investment Companies has urged the Financial Conduct Authority to do more to protect consumers against “misleading” and “reckless” key information documents (KIDs).