Standard Life adds Momentum to wrap

Momentum Asset Management has launched its Factor Series and its Diversified Growth Fund on the Standard Life platform.

Standard Life adds Momentum to wrap
1 minute

The Factor series comprises of three funds, PFS Momentum Factor 3, Factor 4 and Factor 5. Each aims to return UK consumer price index plus 3%, 4% and 5% respectively.

The funds were launched in November last year, with the purpose of beating inflation over the medium to long term and closely managing risk.

The Diversified Growth Fund, meanwhile, was launched in March 2011 and aims to produce above-average long term returns through exposure to a balanced portfolio of a range of assets including global equities, bonds and hedge funds.

The fund aims to have reduced volatility over a full market cycle, and its performance over the past year is shown in the graph below.


The firm made two hires in March as part of its continued push into the retail sector.