source lists successful man glg

Source has listed its $800m Man GLG Europe Plus ETF in sterling on the London Stock Exchange to complement its existing euro-listing on the Deutsche Borse.

source lists successful man glg


The firm said the listing would enable sterling-denominated investors easy access to this smart beta strategy via an efficient ETF structure.

The ETF seeks to provide the performance of the Man GLG Europe Plus Index, which replicates a liquid, highly diversified long only European equity portfolio.

Approximately 65 leading brokers contribute ideas to the portfolio, according to Source, and the subsequent index exposure is market cap to the broad European equity market and aims to deliver enhanced returns.

Since inception in January 2011 the fund has seen its AUM reach $800m.

Ted Hood, CEO at Source, said: "Investors looking for ‘smart beta’ outperformance products which have chosen the Man GLG Europe Plus ETF have enjoyed excess return over MSCI Europe. The volume of assets raised since inception in January 2011 is evidence of its appeal."

According to Source the Man GLG Europe Plus ETF has returned just over 3% in excess return over the MSCI Europe TR Index over the past 12 months to 31 October.