Simon Murphy: Most income managers are too scared to deviate from top dividend payers

Video: Tyndall Real Income fund manager on concentration risk, Covid vaccines and the second lockdown

In the latest Portfolio Adviser video interview, Tyndall Investment Management’s Simon Murphy explains why most UK income managers are not taking enough risk and differentiating portfolios from the market’s top dividend payers.

“I don’t think enough investors have been prepared to do that because what comes with that typically is much more volatility over the short term, and a lot of people don’t feel comfortable doing that,” he says.

“A lot of funds look similar as they are skewed towards the same large dividend paying stocks.”

Murphy says in the Tyndall Real Income fund less than a third of income comes from the top-20 dividend paying stocks in the market.

He also talks about why the UK is still very unloved and resulted in record amounts of selling by retail investors, why the second lockdown won’t be as cruel to shareholder payouts as the first time round – and what positive Covid vaccine news means for UK income.

Watch the interview above to find out more.




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