SHAM: £533K to run the IA? Nah, I’ll stick to Jammie Dodgers

As tempted as I am to follow Daniel Godfrey and take the £533,000 salary on offer as the new chief executive of the Investment Association, I’d have to decline the role if it came my way.

SHAM: £533K to run the IA? Nah, I’ll stick to Jammie Dodgers


“By March 2009, we had substantially more in the FTSE-250 and small cap, and had bought into some banks and some miners.”

Of the current composition of her 46-stock portfolio she added: “Now we have three positions in small-cap, 18 in the FTSE- 250 and the balance in the FTSE 100.”

On to fixed income, and the one fund manager SHAM will be avoiding for the foreseeable future is Janus Capital’s Bill Gross. Daniel Godfrey’s salary seems small fry compared to the $1.3bn bonus pool at the centre of Gross’ legal action against Pimco, the firm he co-founded.

No matter their lofty reputation, I would suggest fund managers spend their days focused solely on their day job rather than picking fights with previous employers.

Gross apparently accused Pimco employees of begin “driven by a lust for power, greed, and a desire to improve their own financial position”. Strong words indeed. Thinking about it, SHAM could do with a new motto…

SHAM is the continuing adventures of a financial journalist and his meagre ISA. Follow at @SHAMinvestor