Sarasin closes Global Villages Sicav due to lack of interest

Bank Sarasin has closed its Global Villages Sicav as it is no longer cost effective to keep open.

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The Luxembourg-based Sicav was launched in July 2008 and assets under management stood at €9.3m (£8.2m) at the end of June this year. As from 24 August, Sarasin Global Village – Opportunistic will therefore be closed.

Benedict Gratzil, head of communications at Bank Sarasin, said the long-only fund “doesn’t seem to be one investors are after” and its size meant it was “not worth muddling through” for either investors or the management firm.

It has written to its investors informing them of the decision, and they have until 23 August to cash in their shares with no redemption fee or reinvest in another fund.

Gratzil confirmed the firm has three areas of expertise – sustainable, thematic and quant – with the Global Village Fund sitting in the group of thematic funds.