RWC launches global equities division

RWC is launching a global equities division to be headed up by Louise Keeling formerly of Marathon Asset Management.

RWC launches global equities division
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Keeling has been with Marathon for six years, during which time she was a portfolio manager on the global equities team. She has also worked at the Bank of England.

The Marathon Global Equities strategy has performed above its benchmark, the MSCI All World Index, over three, five and 10 years. It returned 12.5% versus 7.4% over three years, and 3.3% versus -0.6% and 12.7% versus 8.05% over five and ten years respectively. 

Keeling will roll out her bottom-up investment approach across the new range, which focuses on the structure of management incentives, shareholder alignment of interest and capital cycles within sectors. It aims to provide significant alpha over a rolling five year period.

The news comes following senior reshuffles at RWC in February, when Dan Mannix was appointed chief executive officer, and Paul Larche became the inaugural chief operating officer.

Mannix replaced Peter Harrison, who left to take up the position of head of global equities at Schroders. He remains a non-executive director of the firm.

More information about the new team will be released in due course, RWC said.