Riddell joins AllianzGI to run Gilt Yield and Sterling Total Return mandates

Allianz Global Investors has recruited former M&G man Mike Riddell as it brings its Gilt Yield and Sterling Total Return vehicles back in-house.

Riddell joins AllianzGI to run Gilt Yield and Sterling Total Return mandates


Effective from 1 October, Riddell’s appointment sees him join the firm’s London-based European fixed income team.

From 30 November the former ‘Bond Vigilante’ will take charge of the Allianz’s Gilt Yield and Sterling Total Return mandates. He will report to Mauro Vittorangeli, conviction fixed income CIO.

Currently outsourced to PIMCO – where Gilt Yield and Sterling Total Return are run by Mike Amey and Ketish Pothalingam respectively – the funds are to be brought back in-house as AllianzGI seeks to expand its UK fixed income capability.

“It makes sense to have a UK-focused part of our overall European fixed income heritage,” a firm spokesperson said. “We are currently under-represented in terms of on-the-ground UK fixed income expertise, and Riddell can really complement what we have already.”

Franck Dixmier, AllianzGI’s global head of fixed income, added: “Creating a dedicated footprint in the UK, one of the world’s most important and outward-looking financial markets, will perfectly complement our existing eurozone expertise, giving our clients access to a one-stop shop for European fixed income.”

Riddell left M&G Investments in early July after 12 years at the firm, where he ran the Gilt & Fixed Interest Income, Global Government Bond and Index-Linked Bond funds, alongside deputising on the Global Macro Bond Fund.