five resilient funds for europe

Have you been toying with the idea of reallocating to European equities, or perhaps you never sold out and want to know if the funds you stuck with were worth your loyalty? Read on to find out

five resilient funds for europe


Containing the crisis allows the euro area economies to heal over time, but this is a long and potentially painful process and potential setbacks remain, especially given the cluster of political event risks this year.

Over the three years to 2 April, 2013, FTSE World Europe ex UK Index returned +27.8% although during this period there were significant bouts of volatility at country level, across sectors, investment styles and within the funds in the peer group. By comparison, the FTSE All-World returned around 32.8% over the three years.  

We take a look, with some help from Allfunds Bank’s Mark Hinton, at five European funds proving resilient against the backdrop, three ‘well-established’ and two ‘funds to watch’… are these the names you would go to?