Premier Miton takes over management of GVQ Investment Funds (Dublin)

The deal is due to be finalised in February

Matthew Tillett head of UK Value Opportunities Fund Premier Miton
1 minute

Premier Miton has been appointed as the investment manager of GVQ Investment Funds (Dublin) subject to regulatory approval, with the deal due to be finalised in February.

The proposal has put Premier Miton as the manager of the GVQ Opportunities fund as well as the GVQ UK Focus fund, and sub funds of the GVQ Investment funds (Dublin), which were previously overseen by GVQ Investment Management Limited. The funds hold near £100m assets under management.

Subject to shareholder approval, GVQ Investment funds (Dublin) will be renamed to Premier Miton Investment funds (Dublin), with the two sub-funds becoming the Premier Miton Opportunities fund and the Premier Miton UK Focus fund.

Mike O’Shea, chief executive officer of Premier Miton, said: “We are pleased to announce this latest development as part of our clear long-term growth strategy.

“On the back of increasing demand from our clients to offer access to our UK equity funds and expertise through an offshore fund structure, this latest appointment provides the opportunity to develop our offshore range, deliver for our clients and pursue our longer-term international growth aspirations.”

Premier Miton’s Matthew Tillett (pictured), who currently manages the UK Value Opportunities fund, will take over management of the two portfolios.

“Matthew Tillett has an excellent long-term performance track record of managing UK equity funds,” O’Shea said.

“Furthermore, his investment principles closely align with the investment philosophy utilised in the management of the funds under the current GVQ investment team.  This continuity should provide reassurance to investors in the funds, further supported by Premier Miton’s robust operational framework and strong marketing and distribution capabilities.”