The product category awards were made by an independent judging panel who, uniquely among our peer group, were not given a shortlist of funds to nominate from. Instead, the judges were asked to take a forward-looking view, expressing their opinion of the future performance of the funds they nominated across each of the 19 categories.
The judging panel represents Portfolio Adviser’s magazine readers, online subscribers and event delegates: investment-specialist IFAs, discretionary fund managers, independent fund researchers, private bank client advisers, multi-managers and private client portfolio managers.
These awards are given for what they see as the funds’ future potential rather than past performance as the panel were asked individually to give their nominations in response to the question: “For a brand new client with cash to invest, looking ahead with an investment horizon of at least three years, what are your top three fund recommendations in each category?”
I would like to take this opportunity to thank them once again for the time and effort they put into giving their nominations, to Rayner Spencer Mills Research for sponsoring this year’s Fund Awards, and to Morningstar for screening the funds to ensure they met the criteria we set.
Congratulations to the winners, and I wish you all the best for the rest of 2016 and beyond.
Kind regards

Gary Corcoran
Editorial Director: Portfolio Adviser, International Adviser and Fund Selector Asia