Portfolio Adviser Fund Awards: And the winners are…

At lunchtime today, Portfolio Adviser announced the winners of its annual Fund Awards so read on to see who walked off with which gong.

Portfolio Adviser Fund Awards: And the winners are...
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Kicking off Portfolio Adviser’s 10th anniversary year, this afternoon the elite of the fund management world were presented with their individual Portfolio Adviser Fund Awards 2016.

Schroders walked away with the prestigious Portfolio Adviser Readers’ Choice Award, winning it for the second time in three years.

They were presented with their award by Geoff Mills, a director at the Fund Awards’ sponsor, Rayner Spencer Mills Research.

In full, the winners of the Platinum Awards at the Portfolio Adviser Fund Awards 2016 winners are:

Category Platinum Winner
Asia Pacific ex-Japan equity First State Asia Pacific Leaders
Europe ex-UK equity BlackRock European Dynamic
  Crux European Special Situations
Emerging Markets equity Fidelity Emerging Markets
Global Equity Fundsmith Equity
International Equity Income Artemis Global Income
Japan Equity Man GLG Japan Core Alpha
UK Equity Neptune UK Mid Cap
UK Equity Income Standard Life UK Equity Income Unconstrained
US Equity Legg Mason ClearBridge US Aggressive Growth
Specialist equity Polar Cap Global Insurance
Equity Newcomer Man GLG Undervalued Assets
Multi-Asset Newton Real Return
  Premier-Multi Asset Growth & Income
Property M&G Property Portfolio
Corporate Bond  Kames Investment Grade Bond
Strategic Bond Jupiter Strategic Bond
High Yield Bond Kames High Yield Bond
Government Bond L&G All Stocks Gilt Index
International Bond Legg Mason Brandywine Global Fixed Income
Absolute return Henderson UK Absolute Return

The Reader’s Choice Award was decided by an online poll among its readers who were asked to nominate the fund house they feel shows consistency and excellence across the board, in terms of its fund range as well as the service it offers both them and their clients.

Read on to find out why the Portfolio Adviser Fund awards are unique…