five polls shake up emerging markets

Among a raft of general elections this year‚ five emerging market countries will be going to the polls that could change the direction‚ pace and policy driving future economic growth.

five polls shake up emerging markets
1 minute

In investment performance terms, the IMA Asia Pacific ex Japan sector lost investors 2.1% over the past 12 months, with the Global Emerging Markets category returning -7.7% while its fixed income equivalent lost 10% in a year.

GDP growth numbers also indicate a slowdown in the pace of growth in emerging market economies over the past 24 months (Brazil, for example, grew by just 1.5% over this time, South Africa by 2% last year) although the longer-term story is still a strong one.

Relatively, they have low levels of debt, strong demographics and are host to world-class companies that are listed in, operating in and growing in emerging markets.

What they are all going through is structural and social change, being less reliant on exports and a source for the developed world’s cheap labour.

The elections in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Turkey and South Africa – no silly acronyms, please – will give an indication of the policies that these five countries will follow as they continue to change to consumer-led economies driven by domestic consumption.

Click here to see how all this will influence emerging market investing.