PA Plus

  • Fund in Five: AXA Global Short Duration Bond Fund

    Fund in Five: AXA Global Short Duration Bond Fund

    In this Fund in Five Nicolas Trindade, lead manager of the AXA Global Short Duration Bond Fund, says investors need to go back to the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 to see the high levels of yield that are currently available within the asset class.

  • CCLA podcast episode 1: Regaining purpose with James Corah

    CCLA podcast episode 1: Regaining purpose with James Corah

    In the first of a series of three podcasts with CCLA Investment Management, James Corah, head of sustainability, argues the industry needs to refocus on its objective of driving genuine change

  • Back of the NAV Season 2: Episode 7

    Back of the NAV Season 2: Episode 7

    The BotNAV co-managers review a fortnight of two halves and discuss how they might steer the portfolio back on track.

  • Active in Five: Vanguard

    Active in Five: Vanguard

    In this Active in Five, Andrew Surrey, active distribution lead at Vanguard, looks at the guiding principles of the active team when partnering with these firms.

  • Back of the NAV Season 2: Episode 6

    Back of the NAV Season 2: Episode 6

    This week, the BotNAV co-managers talk to Tyndall’s James Sullivan about how his four-premium set-up and focus on the ‘points-per-million’ metric has propelled his team towards the top of our league.

  • CCLA: Looking beyond the metrics

    CCLA: Looking beyond the metrics

    For sustainable funds to make a genuine difference, CCLA’s James Corah argues they need to look beyond relying on certain metrics.

  • Baker Steel: Gold rally shows no signs of slowing

    Baker Steel: Gold rally shows no signs of slowing

    Gold prices continue to go from strength to strength, yet investors looking for the greatest returns should look to the miners themselves, says Baker Steel’s Cosmo Sturge.

  • Back of the NAV Season 2: Episode 5

    Back of the NAV Season 2: Episode 5

    The BotNAV co-managers endure the international break while trying not to mention their best-ever gameweek. (Spoiler alert: They fail.)

  • Fund in Five: Fidelity Short Dated Corporate Bond Fund

    Fund in Five: Fidelity Short Dated Corporate Bond Fund

  • Back of the NAV Series 2: Episode 4

    Back of the NAV Series 2: Episode 4

    Worried early-season performance is casting doubt on their FPL credentials, the BotNAV co-managers seek advice from reputation management guru Tony Langham.

  • Back of the NAV Season 2: Episode 3

    Back of the NAV Season 2: Episode 3

    The BotNAV co-managers survey the wreckage of another Haaland-less gameweek – but comfort themselves that, as ever, tomorrow is another day…

  • Fund in Five: Royal London Global Sustainable Equity Fund

    Fund in Five: Royal London Global Sustainable Equity Fund

    In this fund in five, George Crowdy, co-manager of the Royal London Sustainable Equity fund, discusses the wider investment universe the portfolio can invest in.