PA Analysis

  • cass back to school after fund manager attacks

    cass back to school after fund manager attacks

    Cass Business School slates fund managers for their lack of ability to outshine others when it comes to picking stocks in their own industry. They have missed the point entirely…

  • Time for new ideas

    Time for new ideas

    Back in December I issued a challenge to discretionaries to innovate and bring something new to the market ahead of RDR. Little to do with me Im sure, but its good to see this year has started with a hubbub and a spawn of new ideas from established names.

  • top alternatives to aberdeen in gem

    top alternatives to aberdeen in gem

    The news Aberdeen had soft closed its Emerging Markets Fund will have been met by some with dismay. But theres no point mourning an option no longer open to you, so where should you invest EM capital instead?

  • more than a bed of roses for amorous em investors

    more than a bed of roses for amorous em investors

    Investors want to overweight emerging markets more than any other region when it comes to their asset allocation choices, but where are the oportunities and are there enough securities to go round?

  • Moodys negative outlook - so what

    Moodys negative outlook – so what

    The event of the UK being put on negative outlook by ratings agency Moody’s was unsurprisingly given much attention this morning, but opinions are mixed on whether it would actually make a marked impact if we lost our coveted AAA crown.

  • is lack of competition behind GEM fund closures

    is lack of competition behind GEM fund closures

    It is not coincidence that the latest round of fund closures have concentrated on emerging market or Asian propositions, but is it down to market concerns or the lack of ability of the majority of fund managers?

  • mid tier fund houses set for radical change

    mid tier fund houses set for radical change

    As margins and revenues get harder to find, those asset management firms just outside the really big guns are likely to refocus their business and move away from the retail investor.

  • the multi-asset threat

    the multi-asset threat

    With the advent of RDR it is expected IFAs will increasingly outsource investment decisions presenting an opportunity for discretionary fund managers (DFMs) to offer their investment services. But fund houses are also making moves to appeal to outsourcing IFAS, through expanding their multi-asset propositions. Is there room for both or will one party’s success lead…

  • making the right call on leading indicators

    making the right call on leading indicators

    Like the President of the United States or, eh, Commissioner Gordon in Batman, I often imagine investment heads sat by a big red telephone ready to make that vital call on whether they are yea or nay on risk assets.

  • aberdeen and first state

    aberdeen and first state

    Aberdeen has now soft closed its £2.7bn EM Fund, and given First State’s previous track record of doing the same with large funds, a genuine dilemma has confronted fund pickers looking for exposure to this sector.

  • are talented new managers

    are talented new managers

    At last weeks Portfolio Adviser Fund Awards, the JPM US Equity Income Fund run by Clare Hart was named the Best Equity Newcomer. Will she go on to have a long and illustrious career?

  • why it pays to keep our tech friends virtual

    why it pays to keep our tech friends virtual

    Admit it, its Friday afternoon and the last thing you want to do is read investment commentary. Thats where Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and the rest come into play.