PA ANALYSIS: America first, European and British exporters last?

While President Donald Trump said very little on trade policy during his address to Congress on Tuesday, his ‘America First’ mantra rang clear. But where does that leave European and British exporters?

PA ANALYSIS: America first, European and British exporters last?


President Trump concluded his first address to Congress with a description of America’s centennial celebration in 1876, attended by artists, architects and great inventors like Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison.   

“Imagine the wonders our country could know in America’s 250th year,” he instructed the crowd.

One thing is clear from Trump’s address Tuesday night – his vision for an ‘America First’ nation seeks to bring America back to a bygone era of pre-globalisation.

Hopefully, America’s trade partners will be able to strike a compromise and peacefully co-exist. But as long as Trump is in a position of power, it’s going to cost them.