Macro News

  • UK unemployment hits lowest level since 1975

    UK unemployment hits lowest level since 1975

    The rate of unemployment in the UK has dropped to its lowest level in 42 years, falling to 4.5% in the three months to May according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

  • Upbeat asset and wealth managers behind the times on AI

    Upbeat asset and wealth managers behind the times on AI

    Asset and wealth managers are more upbeat about their prospects than other sectors of the financial services industry, but are lagging others technologically according to the CBI/PwC Financial Services Survey.

  • The best-selling funds in June

    The best-selling funds in June

    In these volatile times, the Tilney Group’s managing director Jason Hollands talks through the funds that managed to attract investors via the Bestinvest Online Investment Service in June.

  • US employment rises but limp wage growth sparks concerns

    US employment rises but limp wage growth sparks concerns

    The US central bank seems determined to push forward with plans to hike interest rates despite concerns bubbling last week over how promising the country’s employment rate really is.

  • Weak UK trade sparks concerns despite sterling's fall

    Weak UK trade sparks concerns despite sterling’s fall

    The UK trade balance deteriorated significantly in the three months to May 2017 widening from £6.9bn to £8.9bn according to the Office for National Statistics.

  • UK disposable income falls at fastest level since 2011

    UK disposable income falls at fastest level since 2011

    UK households are seeing their disposable income fall at its fastest level since 2011 as inflation bites. Yet investors are doing much better as the low value of sterling underpins stock markets and increases the income from overseas investments.

  • UBS lists huge opportunities wealthy investors are missing

    UBS lists huge opportunities wealthy investors are missing

    Risk averse high-net worth investors are losing out on significant returns, as more than a third of the average portfolio is held in cash new analysis by UBS has revealed.

  • JH&P: 100-month bull run still has legs

    JH&P: 100-month bull run still has legs

    The 100-month long bull market still has further to run according to the investment team at James Hambro and Partners.

  • Are investors becoming complacent to risk?

    Are investors becoming complacent to risk?

    Rising equity markets and falling levels of volatility place investors at the risk of becoming complacent, according to Schroders’ chief economist Keith Wade.

  • Did US equity managers have reason to be cheerful on Independence Day?

    Did US equity managers have reason to be cheerful on Independence Day?

    On 4 July 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence and broke free from the shackles of the British Empire as a new nation – the United States of America. Some 241 years later, we gauge US equity managers’ opinions on the sector. Are there reasons to celebrate or is it time to…

  • UK fund managers fear dud deal on Brexit

    UK fund managers fear dud deal on Brexit

    Most UK fund managers fear the government has no idea what the asset management industry needs from Brexit to secure a good deal, according to research by consultancy MJ Hudson.

  • Volatility spikes and bonds sell off on central banks’ hawkish sentiment

    Volatility spikes and bonds sell off on central banks’ hawkish sentiment

    Volatility spiked and European bonds sold off heavily during a week in which markets were caught short by the European Central Bank’s hint at tapering monetary policy.