Neuberger Berman recruits new MD from JP Morgan AM

Neuberger Berman has boosted its fixed income capability with a senior hire from JP Morgan Asset Management.

Neuberger Berman recruits new MD from JP Morgan AM
1 minute

Jon Jonsson has joined as managing director and senior portfolio manager for global fixed income strategies. Icelandic-born and now London-based, he has spent the past 15 years working with JP Morgan AM, most recently as head of global aggregate strategies.

Previous roles at the firm include senior quantitative analyst, head of the New York short-term portfolio management team and the London portfolio management team.

For the past five years he had responsibility for the teams that ran $14bn in assets under management across alpha (relative return), total return and absolute return strategies. He is now with a firm that runs $93bn across all its fixed income strategies. 

His experience at JP Morgan AM includes running its Sterling Bond, Global Short Duration and Global Aggregate funds as well as a number of euro and Europe short duration and aggregate funds.

At Neuberger Berman, he will co-manage all global fixed income assets alongside Andy Johnson, Thanos Bardas and Ugo Lancioini.

This is the latest in a number of senior personnel hires and fund launches in the past year, starting with Jenny Segal taking on a brand new role as managing director, head of institutional Europe a little over 12 months ago.

Last month the firm unveiled three new sub-funds of its Irish-domiciled Ucits fund umbrella, Neuberger Berman Investment Funds, focusing on the emerging market debt space. They will be managed by the newly-installed, 23-strong emerging market debt team which joined the firm earlier in the year. Most of the new joiners, 19, transitioned from ING.