natixis confirm launch of latest uk retail fund

The Global Concentrated Equity Fund is the latest addition to the firms UK OEIC range which is available to investors through a number of platforms.

natixis confirm launch of latest uk retail fund


Previously announced in June, the Global Concentrated Equity Fund – latest addition to the firm’s UK OEIC range – will be managed by the firm's Chicago based affiliated manager, Harris Associates.
The range currently holds the following three funds: the Loomis Sayles Strategic Income Fund, the Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders Fund and the H2O MultiReturns Fund.
The portfolio will be highly concentrated, holding around 20 stocks, with no more than 35% allocated to any one country other than the US. The seven-member fund management team is headed up by David Herro, partner and CIO of international equities and Robert Levy, partner and CIO of US equities.
UK investors can access the funds through platforms including Fidelity’s Fundsnetwork, Ascentric, Novia, Transact, 7IM and Raymond James with Cofunds to offer the products later in the year.
“This is a highly active, benchmark unconstrained fund that seeks out undervalued growth companies over a longer term, and is an extremely attractive proposition to those investors looking to make the most of their equity allocations,” Herro said.