
  • Asset allocation, correlation and the danger of consensus

    Asset allocation, correlation and the danger of consensus

    In part two of the interview, Stammers discusses the decline in the positive correlation between bonds and equities, and the need for investors to start thinking for themselves and looks at ways of challenging the growing consensus and putting downside protection in place.

  • The increasingly tricky search for the investment holy grail

    The increasingly tricky search for the investment holy grail

    The reach for yield among investors and the resultant shift upwards in the risk spectrum is something that Portfolio Adviser has been talking about for some time. But, positioning oneself successfully in light of this and still finding value is a tough ask.

  • Warren Hyland

    Warren Hyland

    In the past half a dozen years, emerging markets have moved from a pretty straightforward beta play to a very different and still changing investment universe for both corporate and sovereigns.

  • Tricky market to test manager skill - Woodford

    Tricky market to test manager skill – Woodford

    Neil Woodford of Woodford Investment Management, believes it is highly unlikely that next three to five years will be as profitable for markets as the past three to five years have been.

  • The jury’s still out on UK recovery

    The jury’s still out on UK recovery

    The five year bull market is looking pretty mature and according to Neil Woodford, there is reason to be cautious about the UK’s ability to continue to grow at the sort of rates that a large number of economists are predicting for the next 12 months. The jury is out, I think it is early…

  • My focus is fund management   woodford

    My focus is fund management woodford

    Part of the rationale behind setting up Woodford Investment Management, Neil Woodford says, is to create an entity that allows fund managers to focus on fund management. According to Woodford, while it will be “continuity in a new setting” from a fund management point of view, what he has learned over his years in the…

  • Property as an investment not a talking point

    Property as an investment not a talking point

    Investor demand for income and the relative safety of a real asset has seen property jump up the list of asset classes to consider over the past 12-18 months. Ryan Hughes put his money where his mouth is at the end of last year and took a property allocation. Listen here to his explanation of…

  • Long/short is the only way to play fixed income in a ‘challenging’ 2014

    Long/short is the only way to play fixed income in a ‘challenging’ 2014

    Ryan Hughes, fund manager, Apollo Multi-Asset Management argues the case for having no long-only fixed income exposure, preferring instead a series of total return long/short strategies. For part two of this interview, click here

  • PA ANALYSIS: Shadow banking the dark horse of emerging investing

    PA ANALYSIS: Shadow banking the dark horse of emerging investing

    Gary Shepherd questions the new narratives on emerging market investing, and discusses why more aggressive value-driven funds could have a bigger role to play in investing in the developing world. The big talking point is to what extent China’s shadow banking system poses a threat to the stability of the wider global economy

  • Buyers and sellers divided over Asia

    Buyers and sellers divided over Asia

    There is as much positive noise as scepticism about the short-term outlook for Asia and the wider emerging markets – but there is a huge mismatch between the views of fund buyers and fund sellers with the former far more positive than the latter.

  • AXA IM's Nick Hayes on global bond market opportunities

    AXA IM’s Nick Hayes on global bond market opportunities

    Nick Hayes, fund manager of AXA WF Global Strategic Bonds gives his views on the global bond market and outlines where he is finding compelling opportunities from across the fixed income spectrum.

  • Why avoiding UK mega-caps brings domestic bliss

    Why avoiding UK mega-caps brings domestic bliss

    Optimism has returned for Brit investors, but as the domestic UK story becomes consensus shrewd stock pickers are being extra selective and looking further down the cap scale, as Gary Shepherd finds out.