Morningstar launches managed portfolio service

Morningstar Investment Management has launched a managed portfolio service for UK advisers, offering five risk/reward options available via the Skandia platform.

Morningstar launches managed portfolio service
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The Morningstar OBSR Managed Portfolios service, launched today, is an outsourced portfolio construction service combining asset allocation and fund manager selection.

The range comprises a cautious, moderately cautious, moderate, moderately adventurous and adventurous portfolio.

Asset allocation will be led by Ibbotson Associates, and OBSR will be used for its fund manager research expertise.

All funds within the portfolios will hold a Morningstar OBSR analyst rating, where appropriate.

The service is already available to advisers at financial planning and wealth management company Argentis group via the Skandia platform. It will be made available to more adviser groups and platforms in the coming months.

Last week Morningstar Invesment Management announced Daniel Needham had been appointed as global chief executive following the departure of Richard Romer-Lee and Nigel Whittingham last year.