morgan stanley launches brazilian strategy

Morgan Stanley has launched a Brazilian long/short strategy via its Dublin-domiciled Ucits platform.

morgan stanley launches brazilian strategy
1 minute

The MS Claritas Long Short Market Neutral Ucits Fund will be managed by Claritas Administração de Recursos Ltda, a Brazilian asset management firm which currently has approximately $1.87bn (£1.2bn, €1.43bn) assets under management.

Morgan Stanley said the fund will target uncorrelated returns within Brazilian equity indices, taking advantage of opportunities in the Brazilian equity market – with all sectors considered – while maintaining a maximum net exposure of +20% and net short exposure of -20%.

David Armstrong, managing director and Global head of fund-linked business at Morgan Stanley, said: “This latest addition addresses investors’ appetite for emerging exposures within a market neutral portfolio that aims at performing irrespective of market conditions.

Claritas’ highly experienced investment team, led by Helder Soares, will provide investors with a diversified representation of the many alpha extraction opportunities in the Brazilian equity market within the Ucits framework”.

Fund Details:
Fund name: MS Claritas Long Short Market Neutral UCITS Fund
Umbrella fund: FundLogic Alternatives Plc
Fund domicile: Ireland
Investment manager: Claritas Administração de Recursos Ltda.
Promoter: Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc
Liquidity: Weekly
Custodian: Northern Trust Fiduciary Services (Ireland) Limited
Administrator: Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Ltd