morgan stanley issues best entry ftse 100 product

Morgan Stanley has issued its Best Entry Growth Plan 9 based on the performance of the FTSE 100.

morgan stanley issues best entry ftse 100 product
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The Best Entry Growth Plan 9 records the FTSE 100 on a weekly basis during the first three months of the plan’s term. The lowest weekly point becomes the ‘best entry’ level and is used as the point from which the plan’s growth is calculated.

The first day for investment is 30 April.

It offers five times any growth in the FTSE 100 from its best entry level, capped at 100% return along with the initial investment amount repaid.

A degree of protection is built in with capital repaid in full unless the FTSE 100 has fallen by 50% or more on its maturity date, 16 July, 2018.

Nev Godley, vice president, Morgan Stanley commented: “This product has been designed for investors who are unsure of the short-term direction of the market as performance will be measured from the lowest weekly level during the plan’s first quarter – so investors could benefit if the market falls over the first few months.”