Meteor AM announces latest FTSE-based propositions

Meteor AM has revealed the details of its latest structured product launches based on the FTSE 100.

Meteor AM announces latest FTSE-based propositions
1 minute

The Prima Growth Plan 23 has a six year and two week term and returns are linked to the FTSE 100.

The first annual measurement date is 22 October next year when the plan will mature and pay 9% gross. If the FTSE 100 is below its opening level – set at the close of business on 21 October 2011 – the plan continues into year two where it will pay 18% on its measurement date. This continues until a maximum of 54% is paid in year six. The maturity date will be 6 November 2017.

The firm’s second release is the FTSE 5 Quarterly Kick-Out Plan 3 with returns based on the performance of BHP Billiton, GlaxoSmithKline, HSBC, Shell and Tesco.

This plan has a five year and two week term, paying 5.5% gross at the first quarterly measurement date – 16 January next year – as long as each of the five shares is at or above 95% of its opening level. The opening level will be set at the close of business prices of the shares on 14 October, 2011.

The final levels will be the close of business prices of the five shares on 14 October 2016, with maturity on 28 October 2016.

The securities for both plans will be issued by BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance BV and RBS respectively.