Media marketing a “win-win” in client engagement

Digital should be at the heart of how wealth managers market themselves, and communicate with clients, which is why Portfolio Adviser is rewarding those who do it best.

Media marketing a "win-win" in client engagement
2 minutes

The world is changing, it is becoming ever more connected and digital and clients and customers are becoming ever more used to being able to access information and purchase items online. 

The wealth management world is perhaps less transactional than much of what can be done online so lends itself a little less well to the online world, but one area where we should be able to take advantage of this brave new world is in our marketing activities.

This is one of the reasons why Portfolio Adviser launched its Media Marketing Award, which is open again for entries this year. 

Technology really is delivering the ability to operate on a level playing field with much larger players. A huge amount can be achieved on a relatively small budget in marketing terms. 

Obvious systems which many of us already use include our websites, Linked In, Twitter and Facebook but over and above this smarter and smarter email marketing tools and content delivery systems are readily available. 

From content hubs such as Uberflip to digital magazines such as ISUU to digital experience systems like Adobe Slate and Adobe Voice, the possibilities of delivering high quality content are virtually endless and getting cheaper all the while in real terms. 

Much of what we all already produce which we sometimes suspect doesn’t get read can be chunked down into more interesting, engaging content and delivered in easily digestible articles, posts and tweets to keep our business name or our key individuals in front of our clients.

This means we should be enriching our client relationships and ensure that they truly are informed, educated and engaged. 

If you are not engaging clients in this way I would ask why not? Seems like a win-win all round with everyone benefitting from deeper engagement.

Lee Robertson is chief executive of Investment Quorum, the winner of the inaugural Media Marketing Award at the 2015 Portfolio Adviser Wealth Manager Awards.

The 2016 Media Marketing Award is up for grabs – deadline for this category only is Friday 23 October.

The award is judged on wealth managers’ ability to raise brand awareness, build their client base and maintain ongoing relationships with investors through new media.

The entry form is here. Best of luck!