Marlborough adds four funds to offshore range

Marlborough has today launched four new Guernsey-domiciled feeder funds to provide expanded offshore access to its UK- and Europe-invested fund range.

Marlborough adds four funds to offshore range
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The three specialist UK-focused funds and one European ex UK fund join the flagship Marlborough Special Situations Fund, managed by veteran small cap stockpicker Giles Hargreave, and the High Yield Fixed Interest Fund, both of which were made available to international clients through this feeder arrangement in June 2013.

All UCITS-compliant, the four additions are Marlborough’s Multi Cap Income, UK Micro-Cap Growth, UK Multi-Cap Growth and European Trust funds.

The six feeder funds will be available in sterling, US dollar and euro currency denominations.

Growing demand

Multi Cap Income, managed by Siddarth Chand Lall and Giles Hargreave, invests across the market cap spectrum, with a primary focus on small and mid-cap companies.

UK Micro-Cap Growth, managed by Giles Hargreave and Guy Feld, invests primarily in companies with a market cap of £250m or below at the time of purchase and a considerable proportion of the portfolio is in sub-£150m companies.

UK Multi-Cap Growth, managed by Richard Hallett, holds a focused portfolio of 50-70 stocks. The fund is unconstrained by index weightings and while the primary focus is on FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 stocks, the portfolio also includes smaller companies with strong growth potential.

Marlborough European Trust, managed by David Walton, invests in a focused portfolio of European companies from across the market cap spectrum. For this reason the feeder fund will be called Marlborough European Multi-Cap.

Life company distribution

John Heap, director of Marlborough International Management, said the new feeder funds were being introduced “in response to clear demand from offshore investors”.

The feeder funds are available through a number of offshore life companies including Royal Skandia, Friends Provident International, RL360° and Generali.

The feeder funds will carry an initial charge of 5%, with adviser commission available.