markets wipe 1bn a month off jupiter’s aum in Q3

Poor-performing equity markets wiped nearly £3bn off Jupiter’s assets under management during Q3.

markets wipe 1bn a month off jupiter's aum in Q3
1 minute

At the end of June, Jupiter held £24.78bn in assets though this had fallen to £22.3bn by September’s close. This fall is in spite of quarterly net inflows of £295m, contributing to cumulative net inflows of £971m year-to-date.

The firm’s 10% fall in assets, however, was less than the FTSE All World index’s decline of 16% and the FTSE 100’s fall of 14%.

The firm’s big success was in its segregated mandates with £280m of funds received alongside £62m from private clients. Mutual funds and hedge funds both saw outflows, of £36m and £11m respectively.

The impact of markets took £2.13bn off its mutual fund assets, with mutual fund assets held falling from £18.93bn to £16.76bn.

Jupiter was still able to authorise a further £60m partial loan repayment that will be made at the end of this month, leaving a gross outstanding balance of £143m.