January 2022

What’s on the cards for 2022? Our industry loves nothing more than making predictions on the year ahead. I, however, find myself looking back on the past four-and-a-half years. This is because, dear reader, I’m leaving Portfolio Adviser for pastures new. A lot has happened since June 2017 when I first sat in the editor’s chair. We’ve…


What’s on the cards for 2022?

Our industry loves nothing more than making predictions on the year ahead. I, however, find myself looking back on the past four-and-a-half years. This is because, dear reader, I’m leaving Portfolio Adviser for pastures new.

A lot has happened since June 2017 when I first sat in the editor’s chair. We’ve had a global pandemic, the Woodford affair, rampant M&A, the unstoppable march of ESG and growing pressure on fund costs.

It’s been fascinating covering the increasing popularity of investment trusts, the dominance of growth investing (and the recent fleeting comeback of value), as well as loose central bank monetary policy and the return of inflation.

So, as my time here comes to an end, I want to say thank you. Your engagement and feedback on stories and ideas around the themes above has been invaluable during my tenure, and it’s been a pleasure to get to know the UK’s fund buyer community.

And so, to the future. I’m passing the reins to the amazing Kirsten Hastings, who many of you will know as editor of PA’s sister titles International Adviser and Expert Investor. Please say hello and give her a warm welcome as I know she would love to hear from you. The future of the magazine is in good hands.

And while we’re looking ahead, this issue’s cover story weighs up the big themes expected to influence investing this year: Covid, inflation and interest rates. We also speak with Artemis’ Stephen Snowden in this month’s fund manager profile and elsewhere David Bizer gives us the lowdown on GCW Partners.

Asset allocator is with BMO Gam multi-manager co-heads: the soon-to-retire Gary Potter and Rob Burdett, while View from the top finds Nordea AM boss Nils Bolmstrand wanting investors to work together to effect change.

Let’s just hope change is a big theme in 2022.

Thanks again, all the best and see you around.

Sebastian Cheek, Editor