lyxor moves to strengthen uk presence

Lyxor Asset Management has named Pierre Gil as the chief executive of its UK operation and unveiled a move into managed credit solutions.

lyxor moves to strengthen uk presence


The appointment comes as the Société Générale-owned asset manager works on strengthening its presence in the UK market. The company plans to hire more than ten asset management professionals for its London-based teams in the future.

Gil , who will hold onto his current position of head of international development for Lyxor, will be based in London and report to Inès de Dinechin, Lyxor’s chief executive, and Ian Fisher, UK chief country officer for the Société Générale Group.

In addition, Société Générale Group’s debt fund management entity Egret Management has joined Lyxor and changed its name to Lyxor Asset Management UK LLP.

Egret’s actively managed credit investments will be added to Lyxor’s range of strategies, although they will continue to be run by the same team after its integration into Lyxor’s investment management division.