liontrust results

Liontrust continued its trend of superior business results, with its latest half-year trading statement showing assets under management up by close to £400m.

liontrust results


As at the end of March, total assets held were £3.4bn which is £1bn up on its level 12 months ago.

Commenting on the numbers, chief executive John Ions said: “It is particularly pleasing to have weathered the more turbulent second quarter with a small positive net inflow but maintaining strong headline gross sales.”

He went on to say: “Average monthly gross sales in the last financial year were £107m compared to £136m in the current financial year to date.”

To put this in context, at the end of March 2012 the firm boasted £1.5bn in AUM, a figure that increased to £3bn at the end of March this year.

Looking at the specific results just announced, just under 75% of total assets held, £2.49bn, is in the firm’s UK retail franchise.

In terms of which of Liontrust’s investment strategies is most favoured, £1.64bn is in its economic advantage funds (run by Anthony Cross and Julian Fosh), £812m in cashflow solution (James Inglis-Jones Samantha Gleave), £485m in macro thematic (Jan Luthman and Stephen Bailey), £400 in global credit (Michal Mabbutt and Felix Martin), £56m in indexed and £18m in Asia (Mark Williams Carolyn Chan).