Liontrust assets boosted 50% by ATI acquisition

Liontrust’s assets under management jumped almost 50% during the six months to 30 September, boosted by its acquisition of Alliance Trust Investments (ATI) in April.

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The firm’s half-year-end trading update, published today, revealed a 48% increase in AUM, from £6.5bn on 31 March to £9.6bn on 30 September.

This was buoyed by net inflows of £178m over the six-month period, £156m of which was in the last three months alone.

It saw £160m outflows from its institutional business, but this was countered by flows of £303m into UK retail, £2m into multi-asset and £33m into offshore funds.

Total Liontrust AUM stood at £9.81bn on 9 October, it said.

Liontrust acquired ATI in April for £30m and in the six months since, ATI’s assets have grown more than 10% to £2.8bn.

John Ions, chief executive of Liontrust, said of the acquisition: “The team has integrated extremely well and, with impressive performance over a long period, it is well placed to benefit from the increasing demand for sustainable investment.”

Ions also commented on the recent hire of fixed income duo Phil Milburn and David Roberts from Kames Capital, saying they will “diversify the firm’s fund manager capability”.

He added: “They have a successful track record of managing a range of fixed income funds and have a strong following among investors in the UK and Continental Europe.”

Elsewhere, the firm was tight-lipped on whether or not it will join a growing list of asset managers swallowing the costs of external research under forthcoming Mifid II regulation.

It said: “The market for research is still evolving and we have been engaging with research providers over the last year to agree our requirements going forward. We will be detailing our plans for research and all other requirements under Mifid II in due course.”