LGBT Great taps LGIM for lead role model ambassador

Will drive Project 1000 which champions the industry’s LGBT+ role models


Financial services representative organisation LGBT Great has appointed Legal & General Investment Management’s Colette Comerford as its lead role model ambassador.

Comerford (pictured) will work with LGBT Great’s leadership team to engage with and inspire role models at companies across the global investment and savings industry.

She will use her experience in facilitating diversity and inclusion programmes to support individuals looking to introduce changes around attitudes to LGBT+ in their organisations.

At LGIM, Comerford is head of inclusion and culture. She is also a member of the Diversity Project’s steering committee.

Comerford said: “Becoming LGBT Great’s lead role model ambassador is an honour and a privilege. I intend to focus our efforts globally, with representation across the gender and sexuality spectrum, building an inclusive sector where we all can thrive.”

In a press release annoucing the appointment, LGBT Great said Legal & General has been supportive of Comerford accepting the role, which will be in an unpaid capacity.

LGIM chief executive Michelle Scrimgeour, an LGBT Great role model, said: “Not only is this a personal accolade for Colette’s experience and credentials, it’s also a step forward for the work that the LGBT Great programme is doing globally. I continue to applaud the programme’s ability to deliver change and drive inclusivity for all colleagues in the investment and savings industry.”

LGBT Great said Comerford’s position will be key to its Project 1000 which aims to spotlight 1000 LGBT+ and ally role models within the industry over the next five years. The campaign highlights individuals who are actively encouraging inclusion within and outside of their firms.

Since it launched in September 2018, the project has attracted 350 representatives from more than 60 global firms, including executive leaders from LGIM, T Rowe Price, Schroders and Fidelity.

LGBT Great managing director Matthew Cameron said: “Colette has been incredibly supportive of Project 1000 and is the perfect candidate to help us develop future progress. Her leadership and experience of driving positive change across our industry is a powerful inspiration to others”.

Last week, LGBT Great launched a video for its #50for50 campaign which highlights 50 C-suite leaders from across the industry showing support for LGBT talent, clients and investors.

Last Word is the exclusive industry media partner of LGBT Great, a financial services representative organisation focusing on diversity and inclusion.