LandG dumps head structured products

Legal & General Investment’s head of structured solutions has paid the price for poor sales and been made redundant after 15 years with the firm.

LandG dumps head structured products
1 minute

James Harrington left Legal & General at the end of September, having joined the firm back in 1998. He held a number of senior roles in his time there, spending the majority of it working with the structured products business.

L&G structured products remains under the management of Legal & General Investments’ product team, led by Mike Carpenter, product director. Dave Beard, head of product development, continues to design and build the products themselves.

A spokesman for Legal & General Investments said: “Customer demand for structured products has significantly reduced and while the market continues to decline we have taken the opportunity to reduce and refocus our sales and product teams for our current product range.

“We continue to distribute our products via our sales team as we review the customer opportunities arising from the market."

Harrington’s role has been absorbed into the existing management team, fronted by Carpenter and Beard.