Kermitted Asset Management: Message in a battle

The chairman of Kermitted AM unveils an innovative way of attracting new flows towards, um, The Sector Formerly Known As Ethical


“Why are you lugging around that big jar of cash with ‘TIP’ scrawled on it in giant letters?” I asked the chairman of the insignificantly-sized investment company Kermitted Asset Management when we caught up the other day. “I know it all feels a bit 2001 at the moment – maybe even 2007 – but surely things aren’t so bad you’re having to tap up clients for gratuities? I mean, if you aren’t paid enough for what you do, who is?

“That said, you seem to be doing remarkably well – are those all £10 notes?” “They are indeed,” nodded the chairman. “Although I fear you may be labouring under a couple of misconceptions. First of all, this tidy sum of cash does not belong to me; I am merely holding it on trust for my business – which is ironic because I don’t trust anyone in my business not to half-inch it while I am out meeting you.

“And second of all, this is not a tip jar – it’s a T-I-P jar.” “The entirely unlaboured nuance being?” I sighed.

“That T-I-P stands for something, of course,” snorted the chairman. “In this case, ‘Terribly Inapplicable Phrase’ – or ‘Totally Inappropriate Philosophy’ – back at the office, we aren’t hugely bothered which. The only rule is that if someone uses it, it’s a tenner in the jar, no ifs, no buts, no right of appeal.”

“Well, obviously,” I shrugged. “Still, one question springs to mind – how do we progress this conversation, if you can’t tell me what phrase to avoid and I have no desire to be involuntarily donating cash to the Kermitted Christmas Party Fund or whatever it is? What do you suggest – charades?” “The Kermitted Corporate Overdraft Fund was more what I had in mind,” murmured the chairman, absent-mindedly.

Visibly pulling himself together, however, he continued: “Still, I see your point – and, while I have no intention of abasing myself here with a public game of charades, I don’t see any harm in offering a riddle. What has three letters, begins with an ‘E’, ends in a ‘G’ and, in happier, simpler times, you used to be able to go to work on it? Oh – and, while you can’t boil or fry it, we’ve done pretty well in recent years poaching it.”

“Ah,” I said. “I’d been hearing whispers some asset managers had started banning staff from using … that phrase but I didn’t want to believe it. I mean, sure, you and I have spent chunks of the last four years discussing the inability of this industry to agree on a name for The Sector Formerly Known As Ethical, let alone a common vocabulary, and so everything resets back to zero every decade or so, but this seems especially self-destructive.”

The chairman, the jar and I sat in silence for a while. “So what was the tipping point for the industry?” I asked eventually. “Was it the ultimately less than compatible trio of elements being shoehorned into a single acronym? Or that what’s good for the environment isn’t necessarily an unvarnished social benefit and vice-versa? Or that the whole idea began being twisted out of shape by politicians – first in the US, then more recently in the UK?

“Or that E …” The chairman shot me a warning look, but I was on a roll: “Or that E-blank-G could mean a million different things to a million different people? Was it that the Russian invasion of Ukraine made old-school vice stocks like oil and armaments just too darned attractive? Or was it that all of those things – and a hundred others – meant it was too nuanced and too complicated and just hurt people’s brains to think about?

“Just please don’t tell me it was because all your marketeers got a bit bored and fancied a shiny new way of pushing the next wave of climate change funds?” “I wish I could tell you I had an answer,” the chairman sighed again. “Of course, with this business, it often simply comes down to the fear ‘everybody else is doing it’. In the end, I guess the thing about ESG is …” Then he winced, pulled out his wallet and stuck another £10 note in his jar.