former kames fixed income

Standard Life Investments (SLI) has beefed up its global fixed income team, with the hire of former Kames Capital bond fund manager Mark Kedar and Felix Freund from Union Investment in Frankfurt.

former kames fixed income
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Kedar joins as a sterling credit investment director after 15 years at Kames Capital (formerly Aegon Asset Manangement).

Meanwhile Freund joins as a European credit director after holding the role of corporate bond fund manager at Union Investments.

Both new recruits will report to Craig MacDonald, head of investment grade credit at SLI.

Kedar will be responsible for managing sterling corporate bond funds given the company’s growth in third party mandates amd will also deepen its research into financials, SLI said.

Freund will manage European Corporate Bond funds and focus on researching companies in the capital goods sector.

SLI’s credit team will now be 28-strong and manages in excess of $71bn, with sterling and European corporate bonds accounting for £27bn of these assets.

Andrew Sutherland, head of credit at the company, said: "Both [Kedar and Freund] are experienced fund managers with strong performance track records, as well as having extensive experience in their respective sectors which will prove invaluable to us – adding considerably to what is already a strong and talented credit research capability."