JPMAM slashes Fusion range costs

JP Morgan Asset Management is to bring down costs for investors on five of its funds by more than 30%, effective from 1 April.

JPMAM slashes Fusion range costs


Annual management charges on A-class shares across the firm’s Fusion range will drop by a third, from 1.5% to 1%, while the B and C share class AMCs will decrease from 1% to 0.67% and 0.75% to 0.5% respectively.

Ongoing charges within the range will also undergo a varying reductions, as detailed in the table below:

JPMAM Fusion Range costs (current and proposed)
Fund A B C A B C
JPM Fusion Balanced AMC 1.5%, OCR 2.32% AMC 1%, OCR 1.82% AMC 0.75%, OCR 1.57% AMC 1%, OCR1.82% AMC 0.67%, OCR 1.49% AMC 0.5%, OCR 1.32% 
JPM Fusion Conservative  AMC 1.5%, OCR 2.31% AMC 1%, OCR 1.81% AMC 0.75%, OCR 1.56% AMC 1%, OCR 1.81% AMC 0.67%, OCR 1.48% AMC 0.5%, OCR 1.31% 
JPM Fusion Growth AMC 1.5%, OCR 2.38% AMC 1%, OCR 1.88% AMC 0.75%, OCR 1.63% AMC 1%, OCR 1.88% AMC 0.67%, OCR 1.55% AMC 0.5%, OCR 1.38%
JPM Fusion Growth Plus AMC 1.5%, OCR 2.41% AMC 1%, OCR 1.91% AMC 0.75%, OCR 1.66% AMC 1%, OCR 1.91% AMC 0.67%. OCR 1.58% AMC 0.5%, OCR 1.41%
JPM Fusion Income AMC 1.5%, OCR 2.27% AMC 1%, OCR 1.77% AMC 0.75%, OCR 1.52% AMC 1%, OCR 1.77% AMC 0.67%, OCR 1.44% AMC 0.5%, OCR 1.27% 

Jasper Berens, head of UK Funds at JPMAM, said: “We are making this change to improve competiveness of Fusion Funds in the marketplace, which has evolved significantly since we launched the proposition more than two years ago.”